
Overlord is a film set in World War 1, which was ages ago. In the film some soldiers from America have to try and kill the Nazi guys coz they’re right norti and cheeky. The start was proper bombastic with a plane getting blown up and a guy jumping out and landing in France. They meet up with a France girl and she is quite cute and she has an aunt living with her who breathes like a pig and is all mutated and stuff. It was quite creepy. Then Euron Greyjoy from Game of Thrones (which my mum doesn’t let me watch coz it’s rude) comes and he’s a bad big Nazi guy. He tries to do sex with the France girl but the main character is like No. Stop it.

They beat him up loads and then the main character ends up in some secret lab with weird experiments like a woman who is just a head but can still speak. Very creepy. Then loads of shooting happens and the bad Nazi escapes and an American soldier gets turned into like a monster or summat and they have to bash his face in. The next thing that happens is that they have to go back in the lab to blow up a church. This is when all the real killings start. A man gets grenades in his mouth and his head comes off and then loads of bad Nazis get shot by the good guys. Then Euron has injected himself with super juice (twice) so he becomes a mega angry monster.

In the end he gets blown up and everyone lives happily ever after and America wins the war. I liked this film even though I thought there should have been bare more killings in it and loads more monsters. My friend paid for the cinema for me so I enjoyed that. Just don’t tell my mum I went and saw a gory film. She thought I was going seeing the film about the Queen. I’ll give this film a WELL NICE/10 because it made me learn about the olden days a bit.

Author: wellnicefilms

Films are nice

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